StriVectin Overnight Facial Resurfacing Serum
Not only will
StriVectin's® New Instant
Facial Sculpting Cream reduce the appearance of fine lines,
wrinkles and crows' feet, but it also accentuates your
cheekbones & jaw line as it lifts, tightens & tones your skin...
making your face look more sculpted, youthful & defined. It
even reduces the appearance of "ear wrinkles"... those nasty
little lines in front of your ears (you know, the wrinkles you
ignore but everyone else gets to see). So if you want to
transform your entire facial contour, get
StriVectin's NEW
Instant Facial sculpting Cream. You won't be disappointed.
Question: What are “Free Radicals” and why do I need a facial
Answer: Because only anti-oxidant creams destroy “Free Radicals”... the
main cause of premature aging.
Thirty-somethings who don't want to look a day older and
Fifty-somethings who want to look years younger are making facial
anti-oxidants the hottest thing in skin care since the introduction of SPF
Now if you're like me, you probably think the sun's rays are the source of
telltale lines and wrinkles. But here’s something you probably didn’t
know: The sun isn't the only thing that produces free radicals (those
nasty little molecules that destroy skin cells and are the real cause of
premature aging).
The other culprits are environmental factors like cigarette smoke, indoor
contaminants and air pollution (especially if you live in a big city). And
using a sunscreen... even an SPF 50... isn't nearly enough for those of us
who want to stay younger-looking for as long as we possibly can. That’s
why savvy women are turning to facial anti-oxidants to protect and restore
their youthful complexions. How do “Free
Radicals” make your skin look so much older?
For an answer, we turned to Dr. B. Grant Bishop, M.D.,
noted dermatologist and Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the
University of Utah. Dr. Bishop told us, “Free radicals are highly reactive
molecules that can severely damage skin cells,” explaining, “For more than
three decades, researchers have known that free radicals accelerate the
skin’s aging process. In scientific terms, free radicals initiate a
destructive cascade of events that cause the denaturation of structural
cellular protein, a loss of enzyme function, the depletion of natural
cellular protectants, a shift in cell membrane lipid oxidation, and that
ultimately weaken the skin’s immune protective system… damaging DNA and
predictably resulting in ‘mutational events’… like thinning skin, loss of
elasticity, age spots and, of course, wrinkles… the classic signs of
premature aging.”
The reason you need a facial anti-oxidant is because only anti-oxidants
(not sunscreens) “seek and destroy” free radicals… before they have a
chance to make you look older.
Moreover, facial anti-oxidants can virtually reverse the hands of time. I
know, “reverse the hands of time” sounds a wee bit trite, but here's one
juicy little fact that will get you off your butt and running to your
favorite cosmetic counter: In a clinical trial (using the key anti-oxidant
compound found in StriVectin® Facial Anti-Oxidant from Klein-Becker USA®)
conducted on women with an average age of 67, these “mature” women
increased their Skin Renewal Rate, or “SR2,” so dramatically that it
matched the Skin Renewal Rate of women in their late 20s (29-year-olds to
be exact). That’s right. 67-year-old skin with a renewal rate of a
29-year-old. Amazing!